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7 protein-rich foods great for dogs

7 protein-rich foods great for dogs

7 protein-rich foods great for dogs

Dog parents would know that caring for their furry friends is more than treating them to a good day at the spa. It’s about ensuring they receive the right nutrition in their meals. Depending on the breed, your pet requires a certain quantity of proteins to boost overall health and thrive. And learning which protein-rich foods you should feed pets will ensure that the fur ball receives all the essential amino acids necessary for growth.

Eggs are one of the best sources of protein one can add to their pet’s meals. The food is included in several pet formulas and also works well when made at home. It is easy on the stomach and can be combined with rice and other veggies to create a wholesome meal. Furthermore, eggs are considered a healthy food for dogs recovering from surgery or sickness. One should also note that raw eggs might not be good for a dog’s tummy. Instead, they must scramble and serve the egg when it is warm.

Fish like mackerel are not just great for human beings but are also a great source of proteins. The food can be served as a snack or mixed with the dog’s food. Other sources of healthy fish include tuna and salmon, which are packed with essential amino acids and healthy oils to help improve your pet dog’s overall well-being. However, fatty fish must be served in moderation as feeding them too much at once can lead to an upset stomach. Another healthy property present in these fish is omega-3 fatty acids, which also complement pet health.

Low-fat beef is one of the healthiest sources of protein you can feed your dog. Other sources of healthy meats for your pet include chicken, turkey, liver, venison, and duck. One of the best ways to serve these foods is to grind and boil them before letting your pet dig in. You should avoid pan-frying the meat as the oil and grease may leave your pet with an uneasy stomach. Furthermore, ensure there are no onions when making the dish, as it can lead to anemia, followed by other health complications.

Green peas
Serve your pet dog a cup of cooked peas as a snack or mix them with other meals. The food item contains a large number of proteins that can build your pet’s strength. Furthermore, green peas are rich in properties like fibers, minerals, and other nutrients that can enhance your pet’s immune system and prevent health complications. Even chickpeas offer similar nutrition for pets. This includes properties like carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fibers that help build pet strength. Adding a cup of cooked chickpeas to meals should do the trick.

Cottage cheese
Not many brands include cheese in their pet food formulas. However, it is one of the most enjoyed options by pets and can enrich their system with healthy proteins. While there are regular cheeses, one should consider buying cottage cheese for their pet. While the latter contains the same amount of protein as other options since it is low in fat, making it super healthy for your furry friend. You could serve a spoonful of cottage cheese to your dog as a snack or melt it into their meals every once in a while.

This protein-rich option for dogs is derived from soybeans and is also commonly blended in dog foods. Soy is a suitable substitute for meat that is high in amino acids. It also contains healthy fibers that are beneficial for the digestive system. Moreover, it is loaded with minerals and vitamins that may help boost its overall strength. Adding half a cup of cooked soy to your pet’s meals can significantly improve their protein intake.

Barley and oats
Barley and oats are one of the healthiest additions you can make to nurture your pet’s health. These foods are abundant in proteins, healthy fibers, and carbohydrates, which provide balanced nutrition. So by feeding your pet a cup of cooked barley or a cup of rolled oats, they are likely to gain health benefits like improved strength.

The biological value of food
When you look for protein-rich foods for pets, you must consider their overall biological value. This term describes how easily dogs can derive the available protein from a particular food source. Furthermore, foods with a higher biological value are also easier to digest, which means your pet will be able to absorb the maximum nutrients from each meal.

On the contrary, foods rich in protein but with low biological value will not be easy for your pet to digest. Therefore, these foods must be avoided or reduced from meals. A few foods that may contain proteins and are unsuitable for pets include corn and wheat. If you give your pet meals with these products, their tummies may absorb minimal protein. Furthermore, the food is not easy to digest and offers a low nutritional value for your furry friend. So while your pet may feel full after the meal, they may not derive any health benefits from corn or wheat. Even meat by-products like beaks, feathers, horns, and hooves aren’t the best protein source for a pet. These leftovers may pass through undigested, rendering minimal health benefits and resulting in a larger volume of stool.